Virtual Sales are Not an Option for Shopping Malls

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In this interview for the Colombian Newspaper “Portafolio”, Clive Woodger, the SCG Founder, makes an analysis of the retail sector, specially about the current challenge to get to the consumer through a unique omnichannel looking at all the consumer touchpoints i.e. physical shops, website, architecture, design, marketing communications and staff. All of this has to be in synergy in order to create the best experience for the consumer. The Colombian retail market is developing quickly and it is eager for change and innovation, that’s why we’re interested in it as we have a lot of experience in fast growing countries like Russia.

Статья Клайва Вуджера в Колумбийской газете “Portafolio” о вызовах в завоевании Клиента через мультиканальность и о важности синергии в подходе. Колумбия – это быстро развивающийся рынок ритейла, который для нас имеет высокий интерес, поскольку у нас есть обширный опыт работы на подобных рынках.
